I was born in Rio de Janeiro and came to England when I was 14.
I’m a rubbish cook.
When I was young I used to write new dialogue for characters I loved, because...why not?
We always had dogs in Brazil, but that changed when we moved to England! I adopted my first cat at university (a stray we named Bird). Then came Matey, Gipsy (another stray), Loki and
Thor - not all at once but I loved them all very much.
My grandparents had a farm and I spent most summers amongst horses, pigs, chickens, dogs and cows.
I once had a pet duck (can you tell I love animals?)
As a kid, I had a tendency to fall in love with cartoon characters - Hank from Dungeons and Dragons became a mild obession at one point!
I have a form of dispraxia (numbers can sometimes send me into a spin!)