Absolutely thrilled to be be chosen by GLL Literary foundation! This is not just a great opportunity to learn, but also to give back!
You can read all about it here
Over the moon to have been invited back to this brilliant Kid Lit Festival. My session was sold out too, but I am hoping to be back next year to do it all over again! Watch this space!
I am beyond excited to be part of all the fun during Book Week Scotland. I will be running an event on zoom, talking to 10 schools - that's over 800 children! How amazing is that?
I am a huge fan of libraries. My local ibrary was a beacon of light when my kids were young. Story times were a staple, so I was thrilled to be able to give back.
So far, I visited Orpington, Bromley and Maidenhead libraries - and hope to visit more!
The Queen Next Door was a 2024 finalist! And though I didn't win, I am still absolutely thrilled to have gotten this far, and very proud of myself. It's not always that your debut gets shortlisted for such a prize!
I took part in the Bradford Literature Festival this year. It was my first time in Bradford, and my event was help in possibly the most beautiful Waterstones I've been in!
It was my first Kid Lit Festival and I absolutely loved it. I got to visit SE London schools, meet amazing teachers and children as well as other authors. A win win.
Bear Vs Dragon was Editor's Choice in The Bookseller. It was a personal milestone and it felt amazing to see it. The book comes out in May and I can't wait!
You can order your copy here